Choose the Right Interior Design Professional to Help Choose your Finishes
As we mentioned, choosing the best Naples interior designer for your project will make the entire design process go smoother, make the choices exciting experiences rather than drudgery. Once your project is in the Design Development phase, we will be narrowing down the appropriate finishes for you to consider applying to your final design. We will present you with interior design finishes that reflect your lifestyle and your design ideals, and that fall within your budget.
Interior Design Finishes can Change the Feel of a Room
Do you want a chic, urban look for your space? Then you will lean toward metal surfaces, industrial accents, and smooth, clean lines. Cottage style more your style? Choosing warm woods, relaxed fabrics, and cheerful colors will evoke that friendly, informal ambiance.
Interior Design Finishes Influence the Final Product
Interior design finishes are the various materials that go into your interior design that play a part in the final appearance. Fabrics, paint colors and specialty applications, floor covering selections, cabinetry, kitchen and bath counters and faucets…the list is long. When all of these details are chosen with the final design in mind they create visual harmony, a balance of colors and textures that please the eye and that function to support your design ideal. Likewise, if interior design finishes are chosen haphazardly, the end result is a visual cacophony that produces discord in the room’s inhabitants.